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Twist drills
Ámbitos de aplicación
Datos técnicos
ULTIMATECUT Twist Drill Set DIN 338 Type FLOWSTEP® Point, HSS
ULTIMATECUT Twist Drill Set DIN 338 Type FLOWSTEP® Point, HSSE-Co 5
Twist drill DIN 338 type UNI, HSSE-Co 5
Twist drill set DIN 338 type UNI, HSSE-Co 5
Twist drill DIN 338 type N, HSS-G
Twist drill set DIN 338 type N, HSS-G
Twist drill DIN 338 type VA, HSSE-Co 5
Twist drill set DIN 338 type VA, HSSE-Co 5
Twist drills DIN 338 type VA HSSE-Co 8
Twist drill set DIN 338 type VA, HSSE-Co 8
Twist drills DIN 338 type VA, HSSE-Co8 TiAlN
Twist drill set DIN 338 type VA, HSSE-Co 8 TiAlN
Twist drill DIN 338 type VA, HSSE-Co 5
Twist drill set DIN 338 type VA, HSSE-Co 5
Twist drill DIN 338 type VA, HSSE-Co 5 in fractional sizes
Twist drill set DIN 338 type VA, HSSE-Co 5 in inch dimensions
Twist drill DIN 338 TL 3000, HSS-G
Twist drill set DIN 338 TL 3000, HSS-G
Twist drill DIN 338 TL 3000, HSS-G TiAlN
Twist drill set DIN 338 TL 3000, HSS-G TiAlN
Twist drill DIN 338 type N, HSS-G in fractional sizes
Twist drill set DIN 338 type N, HSS-G in inch sizes
Twist drill DIN 338 type N, HSS-G TiN
Twist drill set DIN 338 type N, HSS-G TiN
Twist drill DIN 338 type N, HSS-G TiN in fractional sizes
Twist drill set DIN 338 type N, HSS-G TiN in inch dimensions
Twist drill DIN 338 type N, HSS-G with TiN-coated tips
Twist drill set DIN 338 type N, HSS-G with TiN-coated tips
Twist drill DIN 338 type N, HSS-G - left hand cutting
Twist drill set DIN 338 type N, HSS-G - left hand cutting
Twist drill DIN 338 type N, HSS rolled
Twist drill set DIN 338 type N, HSS rolled
Twist drill DIN 338 type N, HSS rolled with reduced shank
Twist drill DIN 338 type N, HSS-G with reduced shank
Twist drill set DIN 338 type N, HSS with reduced shank in magazine
Twist drill DIN 338 type N, HSSE-Co 5 with reduced shank
Twist drill DIN 340 type N, HSS-G
Twist drill DIN 1869 TL 3000, HSS-G - extra long
Twist drill DIN 345 type N, HSS
Twist drill DIN 345 type N, HSSE-Co 5
Twist drill DIN 1897 type N, HSS-G - short
Twist drill DIN 1897 type N, HSS-G TiN - short
Twist drill DIN 1897 type N, HSSE-Co 5 - short
Centre drills DIN 333, HSS ground - shape A
Double end drills type KV, HSS ground
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